Wiki So Far
So far, I have looked at and read many categories of the Wiki. My contributions thus far has been in the Food Beverage and Hospitality Industry category where I fixed the grammar, reworded, and replaced parts of many of the sentences. Additionally, I changed the overall format of the Food Beverage and Hospitality Industry category and grouped different subsections of Yelp information together. I decided to do this because I believe the Yelp Studies and Experiences are subsections instead of another main section. I have also added a paragraph to the Weakness section of the same category, specifically about Yelp and how it’s algorithm creates bias if the business doesn’t choose to buy advertisements and added its source in.
After reading many categories, I plan to focus the majority of the content that I will be adding to the Real Estate category, which has always been of interest to me. I have been wanting to do more research on one of the topics that haven’t been mentioned yet in the category and I plan to add my findings into that page. At the same time, I plan to continue reading other Wiki categories and looking out for sentences and other structures that may be better fixed or placed in a different way.
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